• Phone.
  • (256) 772 653 165
  • Email
  • info@sicra.org
  • Location
  • Lira City, Plot 21-40 Ngetta Road

Welcome to Sicra

Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Research Administration:  Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Research Administration (SICRA) is a recently registered not for profit research organization with the objective of undertaking comprehensive and collaborative research programmes and building the capacity for research in Infectious Diseases including emerging and re-emerging infections, Non-communicable diseases, and operational Research.  The organization approach is motivated by the desire to strengthen research capacity at public health facilities. Therefore, SICRA aspires to achieve its vision and mission through establishing  functional strategic partnership  with publically funded health institutions and Universities in Uganda and beyond. read more SICRA’s current partners include Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Lira University, Mulago National Referral Hospital, Makerere University Lung Institute,  MRC/UVRI and LSHTM,  AMBSO, JCRC, and the INSIGHT network.The organisation’s main research activities are situated but not restricted at Lira Regional Referral Hospital (LRRH) in Northern Uganda.LRRH founded in 1920, also commonly known as Lira Hospital, is a publicly funded hospital providing specialized health care services to a population of approximately 2.5M people. Located in Lira City in Northern Uganda, Lira Regional Referral Hospital is a 300 bed capacity hospital serving as a referral center for the districts of Amolatar, Apac, Dokolo, Lira, Kole, and Oyam. In March 2020 during the 1st wave of the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Lira was designated by MoH a COVID-19 treatment unit (CTU).


In 2015, Dr. Francis Kiweewa received a 5-year G11 Biomedical/Biobehavioral Research Administration Development (BRAD) Award grant from NIH to strengthen Research Administration capacity in Uganda.. Code named Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Research Administration in Uganda (SICRA), the overall goal was to enhance institutional Research Administrative structures and leadership at beneficiary institutions through training and establishing institutional processes and systems. SICRA training targeted research and administrative staff at key institutions involved in research and graduate-level training in Uganda i.e. MUWRP, Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI), and Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine, and Animal Resource and Biosecurity (MakCOVAB). By 2020, SICRA had trained over 350 early stage and established career researchers in Uganda and Rwanda in soft research skills including Grant writing, Manuscript and scientific writing and Research administration. read more In 2020, SICRA was incorporated as a Not-for Profit Research Capacity building organization limited by guarantee with no share capital. SICRA’s approach is to leverage existing resources to advance multidisciplinary health research through forging strategic partnerships and collaborations at individual and institutional levels. SICRA’s approach is designed to work with publicly funded health facilities including Regional Referral Hospitals and teaching hospitals in Uganda. Located at Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Lira District in Northern Uganda, SICRA is strategically partnering with the hospital to strengthen research capacity. Similarly, SICRA symbiotically partners with Lira University to promote research capacity building projects that promote public health in Lira District and the greater Lango sub-region.

Our Location

Lira City, Plot 21-40 Ngetta Road

    Our Vision

  • A multidisciplinary medical research network whose research impacts communities and empowers the next generation of researchers

    Our Mission

  • Conducting medical and public Health research, research training and mentorship with creativity, imagination and ingenuity

    Our Value

  • Integrity, Creativity and passion to Medical and Public Health Research, Research skills training and mentorship